According to Jeremy Nowak in 1997's "Neighborhood Initiatives and the Regional Economies," Areas, regions, or metropolitan statistical areas with the greatest racial segregation have the weakest economies.
Planeterianism, a cosmopolitan conscience, or a diversified disposition; economically benefits the nations of the world more than cities, towns and suburbs with strict districts of racial identification.
Nothing will make everyone like everyone else.
To answer Rodney King's question, "Can't we all just get along?!" Yes, sure we can, and we won't. We won't unify because We is non-existent.
There is no all inclusive We. There is We this and We that.
We Black. We White. We neither. We rich. We poor. We cool. We nerds.
We secret society members. We republicans. We democrats. We happy-go-lucky-don't-give-a-damns. We hard workers. We smart workers. We work.
Planeterians are Human beings who have evolved beyond ethnic-racial identity and recognize that all are from the Sun and live, or survive, according to their acquisition of knowledge and applicable usage of their resources knowledge.
Its not good enough to know only what your parents taught. Know what your so called enemy's parents taught them. Then work to appreciate the commonalities.
Quit acting like we can't become one or that there is no benefit to worldwide Human unification. We are one whether we appreciate it or not. What happens to you economically impacts me economically whether we meet or not; whether we do direct business or not we are participants in the same geo-economic-political-social system.
There are many industries, markets, corporations, businesses, schools, products and services. There are many currencies, governments, and countries. There is one planet we share - the planet Earth. My water is your water. Your air my air.
When we build together we solve problems. We end racism when we form as We. I know it's not as simple as it sounds because a united planet would no longer necessarily be dominated by a global "Caucasian" minority and that's okay.
The new world can't and won't operate like the old one. In fact the new world will not come into existence until some of the inherent traditions of the old world are discontinued.
For example; lying to the public to "protect the public" or lying to the public to steal natural resources.
It is understandable why there is a great level of fear emanating from those who have dominated the political and economical systems of the planet for the last few centuries. They continue to identify themselves by race and class and see their number dwindling. However, fear is unnecessary and the sooner change is embraced the sooner issues will be resolved with sustainable solutions.
The Leadership of the Planet Earth is wasting time and perpetuating death over the core issue of sharing the wealth. The owners of the means of production act as if they are also the creators of the natural resources they both use and exploit. Where is the honor in thief?
This is wrong and what is wrong is not strong and cannot stand too much longer.
C Anthony Walk
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